Natural Health Care Consultation
6827 N High St, Suite 230
Worthington, Ohio 43085
(614) 436-7700
© Worthington Wellness Center
Office Hours:
Tues - Thurs 9:00 - 6:00; Friday 9:00 - 1:00
“First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
– Schopenhauer
So true is this observation by Schopenhauer. This concept applies particularly to Natural Health Care in the United States today. Years ago, chiropractic care was ridiculed; now, it is not only an accepted modality among many insurance companies and the general public, but acceptance is increasing.
I strongly believe that Natural Health Care today is somewhere between being violently opposed and accepted. Attitudes are improving with time. Natural Health Care practitioners must continue to educate the public, other traditional health care professions and the legislators as to the many benefits of Natural Medicine.
I became introduced to Computerized Electro Dermal Screening (CEDS) in 1987 by a chiropractor whom I was seeing for health issues. He was honest in saying that I had more health conditions than he could help. He referred me to another chiropractor who was using CEDS. I went to her not even knowing what Echinacea was. But within a year, my eczema resolved, my poor immune system repaired, and my migraine headaches which had caused me 35 years of persistent pain and nausea completely disappeared. How could I not have been impressed and thrilled with this health care approach! I knew then I would have to make a serious career change into this field.
In 1990, I began the wonderful journey of becoming a natural health care consultant and CEDS practitioner. The CEDS field was still in its infancy in the early 1990’s. I personally learned the basics of CEDS from a few other experienced practitioners in those early years, piecing bits of information from here and there to form my own personal CEDS practice.
Those of us in this field need to keep recruiting new professionals to continue the art of CEDS as the demand today is massive. I am asked almost daily, “Do you know who does this health care in my area?” and “May I get on your waiting list?” I firmly and devotedly believe that CEDS should be used with almost every health care modality.
Joyce Baker, BSN, DiHt
Diplomat in Homeotherapeutics
Natural Healthcare Practitioner
Joyce Baker, BSN, DiHt, founder and CEO since 1990 of the Worthington Wellness Center, Inc. ™, in Worthington, Ohio, graduated in 1973 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska and completed a two-year Diplomat in Homeotherapeutics from the Institute of Natural Health Sciences in Livonia, Michigan.
Ms. Baker specializes in Computerized Electro Dermal Screening, Homeopathy, Complementary Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, and Phenolic Therapy. In addition to lecturing at home and abroad, Ms. Baker taught accredited courses in Basic and Advanced Homeopathic Principles at Columbus State Community College in Columbus, Ohio. In 1993, Ms. Baker was chosen honoree for the International Who’s Who of Professional and Business Women.